TigerData is a data management service for the Princeton research community that includes a suite of software tools and scalable, tiered storage to enable the organization, description, storage, sharing, and long-term sustainability of research and administrative data. It enables the things you want to do (with your data), and makes it easier to do the things you have to do.
The Princeton University community is able to effortlessly use TigerData to maximize sustainable research and administrative data stewardship through a secure ecosystem of data management services, data storage, long-term preservation, and access.
TigerData is a comprehensive set of data and storage management tools that provide storage capacity, reliability, functionality, and performance to meet the needs of a rapidly changing research landscape and to enable new opportunities for leveraging the power of institutional data. It will include data management tools and services in concert with a community of practice that enables researchers and data managers to describe and tag their research materials, to seamlessly move them between different storage architectures, and to easily find their data and code for re-use and collaboration. The resulting ecosystem will facilitate research and contribute to the stewardship of knowledge to enable reusability and preservation of data and code produced by Princeton University.
Built to Fit Your Needs
Whether you are working with a few gigabytes or several hundred terabytes, TigerData is built to fit your needs and to make data management and storage easier for you.
If you’re unsure how your project might fit in with the TigerData system, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]! We are happy to chat with you to discuss how we can help.